Beeswax sunscreen
Homemade Beeswax sunscreen
There are many websites sharing recipes for making your own sunscreen.  I liked this recipe from best and have been using it for 7 years...
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Heaven-It does a body Good
Some believe in heaven and some don’t. But, there’s no way to prove it’s physical existence from this side of heaven. Thus, it all boils down to faith, because faith is based on the source of our beliefs. Like...
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Homemade Dog & Cat Ear Cleanser
Vinegar cleans everything from dirty windows to clogged coffeemakers. Now, there’s one more thing vinegar can make squeaky-clean.  That would be for cleaning doggie ears.  Now, who wouldn’t want their...
Ginger Plant (fastgrowingtrees
Learn How To Grow Ginger At Home
When I started growing ginger root I expected it to be difficult. It’s not.  I found this excellent information from this url:  and would like...